Pastors & Staff
Our Pastors, Elders, Deacons, and Staff are here to serve you and help to point you to the Savior.

Derek Head
Senior Pastor
Derek has served as Senior Pastor of RiverWind since July 2018. He is a graduate of Baptist Bible College and Seminary in Clark's Summit, PA. He and his wife Cindy enjoy the blessing of two children, Eban and Ally. Before full-time ministry he spent 15 years in the graphic design and video editing industry. The heartbeat behind Derek's ministry is to see the church function in its mission to 'equip the saints for ministry.'

Drew Gray
Director of Worship

Jeremy Majors
Deacon of Administration

Bart Blalock
Interim Director of Youth Ministry
Bart has served in local ministries in the Evansville area since 2015. He and his wife Anna are raising 5 kids. Bart’s life has been radically transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His personal mission is to proclaim the goodness of God, through His word, here at Riverwind Church, and local schools and jails through his work with The Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Our Elders

Michael Plewke

Stephen Porter
Brandt Dodson

Eric Coher
Our Deacons
Jeremy Majors
Deacon of Administration
Deacon of Facilities